October 20, 2013

Surprise kan Mama & Baba...Menjadik


Ceritanya bermula camni, eka plan nk balik for good dari Jakarta. Tp nk wat suprise kt mama baba. Tarikh dia nak balik lewat malam 19 Okt 2013. Kebetulan, tarikh tu abg balik dari kursus kt Langkawi. Actually, abg gi Langkawi naik bas tp prgm dh abis time tu n abg malas nk tgu. So abg n few of his friends balik naik flight. So kebetulan yg amat baik...

Bila yan ajak mama baba amik abg kt KLIA, kitorg bwk baby kell jek. Sbb kenkonon x nmpk rahsia terbongkar. Btw, abg pon terlibat sama dlm idea ni. Nk dijadikan citer, flight eka delay sejam. Bole? Patutnya flight dorg sampai lat 15 minit jek. Now dh jadi lambat sejam. Semua ikut masuk ke arrival hall except baba. Baba mcm biasa la tgu kt keta jek. So bila abg sampai, abg nyorok kt dlm toilet, alasan sakit perut sbb nk membuang masa. Tp lama mana la bole dok dlm toilet kan...Carik alasan lain. So alasan yg terbaru kitorg pakai ialah, brg abg kwn abg terambik. N dia dh halfway. So kena tgu dia patah balik nk pulangkan brg. Sian kt mama. Mama pon redho jelah...Yg baba lg la kesian tgu kt keta. Abg pon buat2 keluar gi jumpa kwn dia n amik brg. Hahaha...

Once Eka dh kuau dari international arrival hall, kitorg suh eka nyorok tepi tiang. Tiang tu nnt kitorg mmg akan lalu sbb domestic arrival hall kan ke dlm skit...Masa lalu kt tiang tu mama mmg x perasan langsung eka. Terperanjat bila mama tgk btol2 tu anak bongsu dia. Apalagi, drama airmata la...

Berlanjutan la ke kereta, baba pon terperanjat coz mmg tak sangka eka balik. Hahaha, lawak yg terharu. Now, nak sumbat segala brg n beg2 dlm kelisa yg comey lote...Tulah, baba ckp, apsal x suh bwk waja. Kalau suh baba bwk waja, kantoi la. Sure baba ckp, aik nk amik sorg aje nk bwk waja...sbb baba mmg suka bwk kelisa. 

Camne kitorg buat, yan jadi driver. Mama dok seat penumpang kt dpn. Kt belakang, abg, eka, baba, ayid n amin. Disebabkan beg2 yg byk, so speaker board bonet kelisa kena cabut. Sian baba kena pegang bende tu, mcm pegang surf board. Hehehe. 

Kitorg bergelak ketawa dlm keta x berenti...mama baba mcm x caya eka dh balik. Alhamdulillah, thank you so much my beloved hubby, coz without you, sure surprise ni tak menjadi. Abg la tunggak kejadian yg jadi kenangan sampai bila2.


April 6, 2013

Ovarian Cyst Removal Procedure (Open Surgery) - Part 2


Post ni sambungan dari post sebelum ni.

As for me, Dr Siti kata kena buat open surgery. Bcoz before this dh 2 kali czer. So keadaan perut dh tak sama mcm original. Dh berubah. Dgn scar tissue kt dlm perut tu yg dipanggil adhesion. Adhesion ni melekat2 kat organ2 dlm perut kita dan menyukarkan proses pembedahan.

What are Adhesions?
Adhesions are actually bands of scar tissue that form inside your abdomen or pelvis after surgery. As your body heals from surgery, this scar tissue connects organs together, causing them to stick to one another. Abdominal adhesions are a common outcome of any pelvic or abdominal surgery. In fact, they develop in 93% of people who have undergone pelvic surgery. They are especially common after cesarean sections.
How do Adhesions Form?
Adhesions form as a natural response to trauma that your body has undergone. All of your abdominal organs are wrapped in a clear membrane, called the peritoneum. During cesarean section, the peritoneum is cut in order to expose the uterus. As a result, the peritoneum becomes inflamed. After surgery, this inflammation triggers the formation of scar tissue.
Typically, this scar tissue disappears after a little while, in a process called fibrinolysis. However, cesarean section surgery sometimes decreases the blood flow to the peritoneum, preventing the fibrinolysis process from taking place. As a result, the scar tissue forms into adhesions.

Dr ckp, if kita buat laparascopy, it is difficult for dr to locate the cyst dgn adhesions yg berselirat kt perut tu. End-up Dr kata, if laparascopy fail, kena jugak buat open surgery. So better opt for open surgery. N Dr bgtau this time also General Anesthetic (GA).

Kiranye, prosedur kali ni sama jek mcm czer cuma buang cyst. Adoi ai...Harap2 takde apa2 lah. Dr bgtau it takes abt 6 weeks to recover. Gulp. Pengalaman bersalinkan Ayid & Amin via emergency czer (Ayid - premature contraction at 27 weeks & Amin - bleeding due to placenta previa at 32 week) and both under general anesthetics (GA). Meaning, totally black-out. Alhamdulillah, takde complication post-ops. Harap2 kali takde apa2 lah...

Time ni jugak Dr bg date utk operate. So Dr bg 19 April 2013 (Jumaat) pukul 2pm. Setau yan, schedule Dr Siti, operation day dia Monday morning & Friday afternoon. 

Then, we all plan la, lps operate nk dok mana and bebudak nnt mcm mana masa yan hospitalized. 

April 1, 2013

Ovarian Cyst Removal Procedure (Open Surgery) - Part 1

Salam & hi...

Early Jan 2013, yan selalu sgt kena sakit perut & bawah perut. Kerap, MC byk kali. Initially doc kata sakit perut biasa n sumtimes, over-reaction of gas in your stomach. Oklah..sampai la ada satu hari, mmg takle tahan whereby yan tgh drive ke stn komuter Teluk Pulai (masa ni dok umah kg delek), terberentikan baby kell kt tgh jln. Sakit sgt sampai xle nk gerak kaki n tgn. Still masa tu x dpt referral letter to see specialist. 

Kalu tak silap, yan terus buat apmt jumpa Dr Siti kt SJMC sendiri, tak tgu surat dari klinik. Time ni kalu tak silap, dh bln Feb. So Dr Siti buat scan (mcm scan baby tu) n dia jumpa cyst kt ovari sebelah kanan. Saiz ovari dh 4cm. Dr terus bukak file yan, n dia ckp, mmg konpem masa dia operate czer time Muhaimin (March 2012), mmg langsung takde cyst, dua2 ovari normal. So within less than a year, cyst dh membesar camtu.

So Dr Siti mintak buat MRI immediately to confirm. So nurse trus buatkan apmt utk MRI. Kalu tak silap, early March. Time ni agree jelahSekali tu call insurance, insurance kata since kita pergi jumpa specialist at our own cost, so any further treatment/ medication, kena bayar sendiri. I was like...grrrr. 

Then, gi klinik mintak Dr issue referral letter. So this time, terpaksa start all over again. Buat jugak apmt dgn Dr Siti n jumpa dia before pergi MRI. Dh la nk dpt slot Dr Siti bkn senang. Dr glamer...Kalu tak silap, masa ni dh end March. Time MRI tu, ngeri. Of coz la, baju segala kena tanggal. Pakai hospital gown jek. Before masuk bilik MRI tu, kena lalu bwh metal detector.

Bile dlm gua MRI tu nnt kita xle bergerak, kalu bole tahan nafas masa ada bunyi dung, dung, dung. Nk batuk atau bersin, tgu bunyi tu berhenti. X igt bape lama kena dok dlm tu...cuma yg yan igt lps tu dr masuk balik n inject satu ubat ni. Ubat ni x igt la utk apa. Hahaha. Lps setel MRI, yan balik umah dulu sbb apmt dgn Dr Siti nk review MRI result ptg. MRI tu cenggini la rupanye...kita kt dlm bilik tu sensorg jek.

Ptg tu, Dr Siti konpemkan yg mmg ada cyst n now size dia dh 6.7cm. So Dr arrange operate ASAP since yan plan nk conceive 3rd baby. Yg sedihnya, Dr kata dia kena remove ovari belah kanan sbb cyst tu melekat kt ovari. Tp Dr kata jgn risau, sbb insya Allah still bole conceive with 1 ovary. And Dr explain procedure yg ada . Actually ada 2 procedure, satu open surgery. Satu lg, laparoscopic surgery.

Open Surgery
Ovarian cyst removal is surgery to remove a cyst or cysts from one or both of your ovaries. An open surgery requires an incision large enough that the doctor can see the cyst and surrounding tissue. It may be done instead of a laparoscopic surgery if the cyst is large, there are many cysts, or complications develop during a laparoscopic surgery. 
An incision will be made in the abdomen. The abdominal muscles will be separated and the abdomen will be opened. The blood vessels that supply the ovary will be located, clamped, and tied. (Note: This step is not always needed.)
Next, the cyst will be removed. In some cases, a sample of tissue will be removed for testing. If cancer is found, one or both ovaries (if cysts are on both ovaries) may be removed . Lastly, stitches will be used to sew the abdominal muscles. The incision area will be closed with stitches or staples. 

Most cysts can be removed using laparoscopy. This is a type of keyhole surgery where small cuts are made in your tummy and gas is blown into the pelvis to allow the surgeon to access your ovaries.
A laparoscope (a small, tube-shaped microscope with a light on the end) is passed into your abdomen so the surgeon can see your internal organs. The surgeon then removes the cyst through the small cuts in your skin.
After the cyst has been removed, the cuts will be closed using dissolvable stitches.
A laparoscopy is preferred because it causes less pain and has a quicker recovery time. Most women are able to go home on the same day or the following day.

Kita sambung next post la ye...panjang plak nk explain. Saya bkn la doktor. Tapi apa yg saya tahu, share la ye tak...