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What are Adhesions?
Adhesions are actually bands
of scar tissue that form inside your abdomen or pelvis after surgery.
As your body heals from surgery, this scar tissue connects organs
together, causing them to stick to one another. Abdominal adhesions are a
common outcome of any pelvic or abdominal surgery. In fact, they
develop in 93% of people who have undergone pelvic surgery. They are
especially common after cesarean sections.
How do Adhesions Form?
Adhesions form as a natural response to trauma that your body has undergone. All of your abdominal organs are wrapped in a clear membrane, called the peritoneum. During cesarean section, the peritoneum is cut in order to expose the uterus. As a result, the peritoneum becomes inflamed. After surgery, this inflammation triggers the formation of scar tissue.
Adhesions form as a natural response to trauma that your body has undergone. All of your abdominal organs are wrapped in a clear membrane, called the peritoneum. During cesarean section, the peritoneum is cut in order to expose the uterus. As a result, the peritoneum becomes inflamed. After surgery, this inflammation triggers the formation of scar tissue.
Typically, this scar tissue disappears after a little while, in a
process called fibrinolysis. However, cesarean section surgery sometimes
decreases the blood flow to the peritoneum, preventing the fibrinolysis
process from taking place. As a result, the scar tissue forms into
Kiranye, prosedur kali ni sama jek mcm czer cuma buang cyst. Adoi ai...Harap2 takde apa2 lah. Dr bgtau it takes abt 6 weeks to recover. Gulp. Pengalaman bersalinkan Ayid & Amin via emergency czer (Ayid - premature contraction at 27 weeks & Amin - bleeding due to placenta previa at 32 week) and both under general anesthetics (GA). Meaning, totally black-out. Alhamdulillah, takde complication post-ops. Harap2 kali takde apa2 lah...
Time ni jugak Dr bg date utk operate. So Dr bg 19 April 2013 (Jumaat) pukul 2pm. Setau yan, schedule Dr Siti, operation day dia Monday morning & Friday afternoon.
Then, we all plan la, lps operate nk dok mana and bebudak nnt mcm mana masa yan hospitalized.