Kali ni nk story pasal persediaan mental...ngeri aje bunyik kan? Sbnrnye, diri sendiri yg tgh ngeri...cuak memikirkan yg kena half bius nnt or dlm bahasa perubatan ialah local anaesthetic (LA) instead of general anaesthetic (GA)...
Sumber dari pakcik gugel yg berkata: Most caesarean sections are performed under epidural or spinal anaesthesia (local anaesthetic) which minimises the risk and means you're awake for the delivery of your baby. A general anaesthetic (which puts you to sleep) is sometimes used, particularly if the baby needs to be delivered quickly. If you have epidural or spinal anaesthesia, you won't feel pain,
just some tugging and pulling as your baby is delivered. A screen will
be put up so you can't see what's being done. The doctors will talk to
you and let you know what's happening.
It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to deliver the baby, and the whole operation takes about 40 to 50 minutes. One advantage of an epidural or spinal anaesthetic is that you're
awake at the moment of delivery and can see and hold your baby
immediately. If you have a general anaesthetic,
you will be put to sleep and only wake up after your baby is born.
Sblm ni, time Ayid (June 2009) n Amin (March 2012) both GA...tak sedor apa pon coz under emergency czer plus time cyst removal procedure (April 2013) aritu pon GA. Utk kali ni Dr Siti kata LA. Huwaaa...cuaknye...bile baca pengalaman org lain, mmg nk nanges. But kata Eka, the risk of LA is lesser compared to GA. Even aritu gi klinik jumpa Dr Ana pon, Dr Ana bgtau better LA than GA coz recovery period is shorter with LA. Dr Ana lg la...all her kids, 4 of them sume czer.
Taktau la camne...tp mmg kena hadap la kan..takkan nk lari. Nak lari pon nk g mana. Pada Allah SWT ajelah tempat memohon kekuatan dan keselamatan semoga pembedahan kali ini berjaya dah both mama n baby selamat.
Masa mula2 tau dulu kena LA, agak down jugak la. Semalaman menangis, rasa cuak sgt. Bole ke nk hadapi bende ni? Sedar time kena belah perut tu...Sbb mmg tak sangka kena LA. Tp bak kata abg n Eka, jgn piki sgt. Tp skg ni dh kurg skit la rasa cuak tu...Still ada but takdela cuak sgt.
Lagi satu yg nk kena kuatkan semangat ialah bile piki recovery period. Time Ayid dulu, lewat ari ke 2 baru kuat nk bgn...time Amin ptg tu pon dh bole bgn dh...but after cyst removal tu, mmg teruk la. Igt lg arwah baba dtg bwk ayid ptg tu...mmg tak bole nk bgn langsung, rasa sakit sgt. Bukak mata jek skit, pastu trus tido balik sbb sakit. Sedar balik dh mlm dh pon...Tulah...harap2 kali ni cepat la sihat. Usia pon dh meningkat, faktor usia pon mainkan peranan utk cepat sembuh.
Cuma yg pasti, as much as I can, I try to avoid taking pain killer. Taktau nape...selagi bole tahan sakit tu, mmg cuba tahan. Tapi tulah, sakit la kan...Even skg ni pon, kalu sakit skit2 mcm sakit kepala or sakit perut, try not to take paracetamol. Mcm takut ubat tu immune dgn system badan kita n nnt tak lama dia dh tak effective.
Ok...itu aje utk kali ini...Clock is ticking...13 July tak lama lg (ekceli Dr Siti bg option either 10 or 13 July). Pilih 13 July sbb tokmo ganti posa byk2...dugaan time nk ganti posa nnt. Dh dkt nk raya dh tu...minggu raya. Czer isnin, raya jumaat. Baju raya abg, ayid n amin dh beli dh. Utk dorg this year, memasing pakai jubah kaler grey (grey ayid n amin pekat but grey abg light). Comey sgt ayid n amin...for me plak, tempah ajelah, beli kain kt jakel since carik tak jumpa. Cerewet sgt, nk yg nursing n wudhuk friendly kaler light grey mcm abg punye...Tak tau la dpt pakai ke idak time pantang nnt...tgk jela camne.
Kalu ikutkan, selalu sok spital dlm 4-5 ari gak...bergantung pada keadaan...ntah2 ari raya tu baru discaj...