August 29, 2008

Tgk Wayang...

Semalam g tgk wyg...Citer Mummy.Xde la best sgt citer tu.Tp yg best sbb dpt kuau dgn mylove.Mylove plan nk g Ipoh arini,Ahad baru blik.Huwaaa,kena tinggal la.Weekend nk kuau dgn sape?

Pas dinner mylove isi borg utk dpt PPN (Penolong Pendaftar Nikah) nye approval today.Patutnye smlm tengahari tp pastu x jd coz Acop ada hal apa ntah.So insya Allah arini la dptkn approval from PPN utk pengesahan mastautin n status bujang.Then gi PAID dpt kn kebenaran nikah.

So weekend ni bule la mylove pas borang tu to me.Then,I'll do my part lak.Nk carik saksi lg,book tok kadi agi.Nmpk mcm xde apa,tp byk gak lg ek proses tu.Nk mintak nikah kt umah,x pedulik.Also nk mintak baba request from that tok kadi to intrvw mylove b4 akad nikah.So that sabtu nnt trus nikah,no more Q&A session.Buang masa la...Coz I believe mylove mesti willing to spend some of his time to meet the tok kadi.

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