June 17, 2008

Nk cerita apa arini...

Ekceli nk citer psl camne kitorg berkenalan, camne bule kontek n jumpa blik, camne kitorg start bercinta n seterusnye....

Camne kita kenal...
Kitorg sama sekolah, Sek Men Telok Gadung (SMTG)...form 1 n 2.but never talk to each other.hehe. xtau nape. So all this while I thot dia sombong. Ada la skali tu...mylove tertinggal bekas nasi lemak kt dlm keta mak. Mak anta la blik ke sekolah (masa tu tgh jaga gate).
Mak : Kenal x anak makcik, Jadil?
Saya : Kenal...
Mak : Makcik nk mintak tolong la, bole x bg kan bekal nasi lemak ni kt dia? Dia tertinggal dlm keta.
Saya : Bule, xde masalah...
Saya pon pass la kt dia, ntah dia ckp time kasih ntah idak. X ingat la. Tp kwn2 sume sakat, almaklumlah dia mmg x kwn dgn girls. Kiranye peluang pass bekal tu cam best sgt bg bebudak yg lain. Cerita tu abih camtu jek...
Oh ye, mylove ada ckp yg kitorg penah ada attend course skalik. Yg tu mmg x ingat.
Lg satu...lepas dia pindah (kalu x silap, awal form 3) tetiba mimpi dia. Dlm mimpi tu...yg ada saya, another 2 girls (x ingat sape), fauzi che ri n dia. Kitorg gi lepak kt tingkat atas bgnn sekolah n dia cium dahi saya, n bgtau yg dia akan kembali. X penah nk citer kt org lain sbb wat malu jek. Mimpi tu simpan dlm ingatan jelah...

After abt 14 years...
One day Jasri call bgtau yg dia jemput kenduri kawin dia. Sembg2 tetiba dia tanye, ingat Jadil x? Apalak x ingat. Antara mamat termacho kt sekolah dolu2. Jasri plan nk set date utk kitorg kuau minum2 b4 dia kawin n dia kata dia akan bwk Jadil skalik. Asik la kena postpone date coz, kejap dia tokle kejap sy ada hal. Dan cerita tu pon abih camtu jek...

19 Dec 2007
Pagi2 dh dpt msg dr no yg x dikenali...Spt biasa mmg maleh nk layan. Dia kt dia carik kwn lama dia (ruginye x simpan sms dia yg pertama...). Dia ingat dia dh salah no. Dia mintak maap n ucap Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha. Pastu bgtau la sy la Aryany yg dia carik...mula2 dia xnk bgtau sape dia...tp last2 dia ckp gak. Agak terperanjat sbb tau kan yg x penah berckp dgn dia n not even terpiki nk kontek blik. Mcm mimpi...So dok la sms 2 ari 2 mlm.

20 Dec 2007
Hari ni Hari Raya Aidiladha...ajak dia dtg umah, hampeh x dtg pon. Tp kitorg plan nk jumpa sok. Mcm x caya jek...

21 Dec 2007
Dia amik kt Carrefour Subang then we all g Summit USJ. Tgk National Treasure 2. Dia klaka la...lain giler compared to time sekolah (sekolah dulu control macho jek). That was my 1st time g Summit. Ada skali tu sy tertinggal, ralit tgk brg...tau dia ckp apa? Awak jln cepat skit nnt sesat. Masa dia ckp tu, comey giler...

1 comment:

Stacy Janice Elton said...

Just to let ya know I ter'search' your blog because of P1 wimax. And belive it or not i read from the latest post to this post from 5 pm till now. Tergerak to comment because, Wow. your Love story is very very very pure and sweet! I think it is really what the Almighty wants for you both to be together :)
LOVE your little dream and also the later part where your hubby joked with you : 'Dah tunggu lama, tunggu 14 tahun'.
If it wasn't God plnned that, I don't know what is :)
Very touching. :DD
So don't worry about me being a stalker.. I really am just a bored net-stranger with plenty of time.^_^
I really enjoyed all of your posts here. I sincerely pray and wish that your marriage and family life would be blessed with forever lasting joy and happiness and good health.
God willing. :D (Because I'm not muslim, hope you don't mind ^^;;; )
Much love,