July 2, 2008

Cerita Best Arini

Apa nk cerita? Hehe...keje x abih lg, makin byk adalah. Syukur sgt coz consider settle one thing belah mylove, mak andam. Insya Allah, kitorg dpt gak bj oren ala2 duyung tu...Thank you very much to mylove. Dia byk korban utk sy...huk3x.

Ceritanye, after sedey2 pagi ni, YM dgn mylove n dia ckp yg dia btol2 x isah. I expressed my worry to him. N we have a sort of discussion (online beb)...so I cleared abt everything. Dh x sedey dh. After that Mak returned my call, I told her that we agreed to take the orange one. Mak was very happy (coz mak suka that dress). So mak will call Edd (the pak andam ekceli) for confirmation. Hehe...

But suddenly, one thing crossed my mind. Dlm pada kita seronok2, ntah dpt ke x baju tu...Wakaka. Mylove dh plan nk byr deposit mlm ni. So, I called mak during lunch hour to ask whether we get that dress, syukur sgt coz org yg book aritu x anta deposit pon agi. Rezeki kitorg...Immediately I called Edd, nk dtg mlm ni...Edd kata kedai tutup kol 9pm. But not to worry, dh janji dgn Edd tomorrow.

So, insya Allah kalu jd gi sok, ingat nk amik pic. Tulah cerita best arini...Another best thing, mlm ni gi dating dgn mylove. Best sgt2.

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