September 16, 2008

Hari Yg Bz

Arini bz sesgt...Patutnye kul 9am join discussion dgn K Sherry n Anu on Economic Environment Analysis for GALERI PETRONAS.Anu dtg lmbt n later,K Sherry asked me to join meeting organize by PRC on loan of library items.So gilah Level 4,ada 5 org yg attend that meeting 2 from PRC,1 rep from DFP,iPerintis n me(GALERI).PRC dh salalh org,they thot that GALERI is a subsi but ekceli we r under PHCO...poyo jek.They also plan nk bg contract staff pinjam buku from PRC but HR kena take note.They will send letter of understanding on that.So I suggest to them,instead send letter to GALERI,they should send it to HR PHCO.So that all contract staff from PHCO can access n borrow books from PRC.

After that I went to ARC,GALERI to check on our barcode scanner.We've bought it for quite sometimes but can't work.After ding dong ding dong with En Zali n Roslan ARC,so I liaised direct with PRC.Allahhuakbar,x susah pon.Activate profile jek.Aduss...So dh ok dh barcode scanner tu.Even we all (me,Khalid n Roslan) created 1 staff in the database konon2 nk pinjam n pulang buku.Alhamdulillah berjaya.Rupa2nye,PRC need to create parameter on loan duration n no of item.Once created,then baru upload staff dlm database.Yeye...syukur sgt,selesai 1 perkara.What can I learnt today is that,jgn harap kt org sgt.Selagi bule wat sendiri,usahakan aje.Kalu x jd mcm kes ni...berkurun x setel2.

Ptg sibuk prepare pack GALERI Budget Kick-off for tomorrow.X siap pon agi...Wakaka.Arini blik dgn Wanie...sonot dpt sembg2 dgn dia.

N yg paling best,jumpa la alat yg wat putu mayam.Walaupon bkn kayu cam Cik Kiah Berek punya,tp bole lah.So bule la tambah lg biskut sarang semut tu.Penah tgk?

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